A NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER: Most "self-help" books about child custody are written by an anonymous author (or one using an alias ) with no worthwhile credentials. Dr. Bricklin and Dr. Elliot are two of the top professionals in the field. We have included their biographies so you will know who you are dealing with. We invite you to check them out. [CLICK HERE FOR BIOGRAPHIES] WHAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT HERE? It's not the money that you pay for your "Strategies" (the whole legal process costs so much that the cost of this publication becomes insignificant in comparison) ---it's the fact that you are relying on Dr. Bricklin and Dr. Elliot to help you get through one of the most complicated, most frustrating, and most gut-wrenching periods in your life. Since 1989, thousands of mothers from every state in the United States have relied on the incredible expertise of Dr. Bricklin and Dr. Elliot to get them through what is a very specialized field, with many hidden dangers for women. |
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STATE-SPECIFIC BONUS SUPPLEMENT! Now choose a 15 PAGE BONUS SUPPLEMENT with all of the newest custody/visitation/support information that you need to know about YOUR STATE or ANY STATE! SELECT YOUR CHOICE OF STATE SUPPLEMENT AT NO ADDITIONAL COST! |
49 actions to take to help you do well in your custody case.
~Child Custody and Visitation
An in-depth discussion of the complete topic by experts.
~Additional Information from Dr. Bricklin and Dr. Elliot
(They like to add something brand-new that might help your case.)
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We have 20 years worth of testimonials jammed into our filing cabinets. We’ve pulled out a few for you to read. (NOTE: Because Dr. Bricklin and Dr. Elliot are REAL psychologists, registered and licensed, they come under the rules of "Patient Confidentiality." We have to be extra careful that the writers of the notes not be identified by name, subject matter, or location.) (We have not changed words, spelling, grammar…only the typing was supplied by us.)
Your stuff worked…I got to keep my baby!
I really felt lost and panicey when I first got my exs paperwork. Your hand-holding approach calmed me down and led me thru the process. The judge gave me residential custody and my ex only got supervised visitation. God Bless you both!
I’ve been a mental health professional for 7 years. I didn’t think there was anything about child custody that I didn’t already know. But, ultimately, on a very personal basis, I was surprised to learn new valuable techniques I’d never considered before and they certainly worked to my advantage.
The section in your book about Parental Alienation was invaluable. I copied it and gave it to my lawyer. It really helped. (Thanks, for your permission to copy it.)
I can’t tell you how helpful your book about Testifying in Court was. I was so nervous about going into court that I was ready to faint. Your article gave me so much information that I felt like an old hand by the time I finally got there. Thanks so much.
You saved the day! Thanks for getting everything to me so quickly.
Believe it or not, your pack of info helped me help my lawyer so much, that she has been telling her clients about your literature. I’ll bet you’ve gotten a rash of orders from LA. (Do I get a commission?---only joking.)
My next door neighbor went through the same thing and pointed me to you. She won and so did I. Now, one of my new neighbors is getting involved in a real nasty custody dispute over her four year old. You’ll hear from XXXXXXXXX in Philadelphia soon.
It would have been impossible to have gone thru this whole thing alone. Your pro se info plus all of the other info really helped get me pointed in the right direction. I had to handle my own case and the judge congratulated me on being so well prepared. (He asked if I might consider working as a legal secretary…I might!)
I would have gone into court totally not ready except for your info package. Thank you for me and my son. We’re together because of you 2. |
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